Tirage limité signé par l'artiste possible, prix sur demande
2024 Sélectionné et exposé au Grand Palais Ephémère, ART CAPITAL - Salon des Artistes Français, Paris, France - "Médaillon Bronze"
Evolution of existence is described similarly in different parts of the world: at the beginning of the world, in the East, there was a figure known as Dong Huang Taiyi, the unique and greatest one, possessing a status and qualities similar to the Taiyi (The One) described by Proclus. Later in physics, this one was named the big bang, and its inception contained diversity, a process in physics described as ranging from hydrogen to iron. The early sages of Miletus defined it as water, fire, earth, and air, while in the East, it is depicted as the five steps of the cyclical generation: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.
In the present world, different concepts have emerged, such as unilateral and bilateral relationships, conflicts, and wars. However, from the moment of birth, the coexistence of diversity is a proven fact. Returning to a state of symbiosis is my expectation. In my expectation, we will return to the state of symbiosis. We are a community with a shared future. The future belongs to no one but us.